“Digital Electronics is another importnat subject for students of Computer Science. Some questions are asked every year from digital electronics in GATE/NET exam. This subject covers the topics like Number conversion, Bollean Algebra Expression Experssion minimization, Study of combinational circuit like adder, substractor,mulitplexer, encoder, Study of Sequential circuit like Flip flop, Registers, counters etc, RAM , ROM.”
In this post I am going to share some questions from digital electronics.
Question 1: What is full adder? make the circuit diagram of full adder and explain the truth table.
Question 2: What do you understand by Logic Gate? Explain the different types of Logic Gate with their diagram and output.
Question 3: What do you understand by Sequential Circuit? Explain the difference between Combinational and sequential circuit.
Question 4: What is Flip Flop?
Question 5: Explain the SR Flip Flop with its circuit diagram, truth table, state diagram and Excitation table.
Question 6: Explain the JK Flip Flop with its circuit diagram, truth table, state diagram and Excitation table.