Gate preparation books for computer science
Today in this post I am going to tell the name of some standard books which are preferred by the students for the preparation for GATE exam in Computer Science and Information Technology. So here is the subject wise list.
(1) Name: Operating System Concepts
Publication: WILEY
(2) Name: Compiler
Authors: Ravi Sethi, Ullman
Publication: Pearson
( 3) Name: Database System Concepts
Authors: S.Sudarshan, Henry F. Korth
Publication: TMH
(4) Name: Algorithm and Data Structure
Authors: Thomas.H. Cormen
( (5) Name: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
(6) Name: Digital Logic and Computer Design
(7) Name: The C Programming Language (ANSI C Version) P
Authors: Brian W. Kernighan
(8) Name: An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
(9) Name: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
(10)Name: Computer Organization
( (11) Name: Computer Networks
Authors: Andrew S.Tanenbaum
Publication: Pearson
Keywords: gate computer science books, list of books for gate computer science, best books for the preparation of gate cs, best books for the preparation of gate computer science, best books for the preparation of gate cs pdf, computer science books for gate exam. computer science books name for preparation og gate 2018