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Sample questions paper for class 10 cbse computer application
CBSE class 10th computer application paper was earlier scheduled on 20th March, 2020 but due to Coronavirus epidemic, cbse board has postponed the paper till further notification.
Due to corona virus lot of people facing problems in India. This situation can not be avoided so that is why CBSE will conduct the paper after 31st March for which the new date will be released soon.
Student can easily score good marks in Computer Application paper. CBSE 2020 sample paper pattern is changed now.
We are providing sample questions paper for class 10 cbse computer application here in this post as per new pattern of CBSE .
We have also mentioned the score of each question in this sample paper as per the CBSE pattern. We request to students to read the sample thoroughly So that student can understand the question paper format and arrangement of marks before going in examination.
Sample Question Paper Format
Format of sample questions paper for class 10 cbse computer application 2020 is given as follows
- The paper has four sections– Section A , Section B, Section C and Section D.
- Section A and B are necessary to attempt by the student.
- In Section C (Scratch ) or Section D (Python) there is a choice it means student can either attempt to Section C or Section D. any one Section.

Weight age of each section is given here in this table.
Section | Number of Questions | Total Marks |
Section A | 7 (1-7) | 7 |
Section B | 7 (8-14) | 15 |
Section C | 3 (15-17) | 8 |
Section D | 21(18-17) |
8 |
Question paper consist of 30 marks. Total time for the paper is 2 Hrs.
CBSE Class 10 Computer Application Sample Question Paper 2020 is provided below:
Computer Application 2020
Time 2 hrs Marks 30
Note :
- Attempt Any One Section From C and D.
2.Section A and B are compulsory and must be attempted by all students.
Attempt all the questions. Each question carry equal marks.
- Define Computer Networks? (1)
- Consider the following HTML statement: (1)
<a href=”” >computer science study material</a>
In the above statement, what do you mean by “href”?
- What is procedural Language? (1)
- Define computer networks (1)
- Give one difference between 2G and 3G (1)
- Define the term Digital Computer. (1)
- Write the difference between software and hardware. (1)
Attempt all the questions. Marks of each questions is mentioned in front of it.
Q8. Write applications of Ecommerce. (2)
Q9. Write HTML Code to make a Table. (2)
Q10. Write types of Operating System. (2)
Q11. Write HTML Code to design a marquee. (2)
Q12. Explain different types of Operating System. (2)
Q13. Explain Different generations of Computer (2)
Q14. Write the code in HTML to design the following form (3)
Attempt all questions. Marks of each question is mentioned in front of it.
Q15. What is the purpose of Scratch ? How DO I create a new project? (2)
Q16. Attempt the following parts (4)
- What sound formats can I import into Scratch?
- Can a scratch project resolution be changed ?
Q17. How do I create a new sprite? (2)
Attempt all questions. Marks of each question is mentioned in front of it.
Q18. Explain Importance of Pyhton (1)
Q19. Write a function in Python that returns the maximum of two numbers (2)
Q20. Write a function that returns the sum of multiples of 3 and 5 between 0 and limit (parameter). For example, if limit is 20, it should return the sum of 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 (2)
Q21. Write a function called fizz_buzz that takes a number. (3)
- If the number is divisible by 3, it should return “Fizz”.
- If it is divisible by 5, it should return “Buzz”.
- If it is divisible by both 3 and 5, it should return “FizzBuzz”.
- Otherwise, it should return the same numbe
I hope that is this sample questions paper for class 10 cbse computer application will be helpful for student.