python interview questions

Top 40 Python Interview Questions 2023

Top 40 Python Interview Questions for Beginners

Top 40 Python Interview Questions are generally asked in technical round for the post of software developer or software engineer.

Python is an emerging programming language now a days. Students from computer science and engineering branch also study python as a part of curriculum.

Dear Students, Introduction of python programming languages and python interview questions asked in technical interview are discussed here in this tutorial.

First we will understand the use and importance of python programming language. After that we will see the python interview questions asked in technical interview.

What is Python ?

Python is a widely used programming language generally python is used to build websites and software. Python is also used to automate tasks and to perform the data analysis.

Python can also be seem as general purpose language it means a variety of different programs  can also be developed in python. Python is not specific to solve specific problems or specific applications.

Python is easy to learn and understand for Beginner.

Top 40 Python Interview Questions

Some of the important python interview questions are given below.

Q1. Which Arithmetic operators are new in Python Language in Comparison to C language? Explain with programs.

Q2. How Python programming was developed and when?

Q3. How would you declare a comment in Python?

Q4. How will you check if all characters in a string are alphanumeric?

Q5. Explain atleast two limitations of Python Programming Language.

Q6. Write down the names of atleast four built in functions in Python.

Q7. What is the difference between list and type?

Q8. What is an abstract data type? Write a code to find the length of a string in Python ?

Q9. What are “mutable” and “immutable” objects in Python? What is the difference between them?

Q10. In Python “in” and “not in” are the membership operators. Explain how they are used.

Q11. Python is an interpreted language. The interpreter may be used in two ways. Explain.

Q12. Explain dictionary comprehension using an example.

Q13. What is a class and an object?

Q14. Write a script that takes some words as input and then capitalizes them and print them. For instance, if the input is “all is well”, then the output should be “ALL IS WELL”

Q15. Explain the concept of recursion.

Q16. If two objects have same id, then they point to same object and are thus equal, but two equal objects may not have the same id. Explain.

Q17. What does the term “assignment” mean in python? What is the assignment operator in Python?

Q18. What will be the output of the following code?



print (t)

Q19. Explain the working of “Lambda” and “assert” keyword.

Q20. Explain dynamic typing approach in Python.

Q21. What is interval working of a Python code.

Q22. How a  user  can defined it’s own function in Python ?

Q23. Write syntax of Ord( ), Chr( ), split( ), index [ ] and zip ( ) function of Python.

Q24. Explain Tower of Hanoi using ‘n’ number of disks show the steps involved for a Tower of Hanoi with five disks. Also, write a function to show the working of tower of Hanoi.

Q25. What is ‘Sieve of Eratosthenes’ in python ?

Q26. What is difference between remove ( ), pop ( ) clear ( ), extend ( ), index( ) ?

Q27. It is said that “the best way to think of insertion sort is as if you are being dealt cards one by one and you arrange them in ascending order”. Explain.

Q28. how return ( ) functions works in Python?

Q29. What is Python virtual machine (PVM) ?

Program Based Python Interview Questions

Q1.Write a program to find greater of two numbers using if else.

Q2.Write a program to reverse a four digit numbers using Modulo (%) and

Floor (| |) operators.

Q3.  Write a function “histogram” that takes string as a parameter and generates a frequency of characters contained in it S = ‘AAPPLE”  the program should create a dictionary.

D=(‘A’ : 2, ‘E’: 1, ‘P’ :2, ‘L’: 1 }Explain ‘set’ data structure in Python. Explain all the methods of a set class using example, and also explain all the set operations

Q4. Write a program that prompts a user to enter the element of a list and add the elements to a list. Write a function maximum (Lst) and minimum (Lst) to find the maximum and minimum number from the list

Example-        Lst = [12, 34, 45, 77]

# should return 12 as minimum and 77 as maximum.

Suppose you have two dictionaries as shown with a few common keys.

d1= {‘a’ :1, ‘b’:2, ‘c’:3, ‘d’:4, ‘e’:5}

d2={‘a’: ‘apple’: ‘d’ ‘duck’, : ‘f’: ‘fish’, ‘g’: ‘goat’}

Q5. How do you combine them into a common dictionary such that the items with common keys are replaced with items of second list as shown:

{‘a’: ‘apple’: ‘d’ ‘duck’, : ‘b’: 2, ‘c’:3, ‘e’: ‘5’ ‘f’ : ‘fish’, ‘g’: ‘goat’}

Q6. Generate 50 random numbers within a range 500 to 1000 and write them to file “WriteNumRandom.txt”

Q7. Write a program to calculate the area of a rectangle by assigning the value to the attributes of a rectangle, i.e length and breadth.

Q8.Write the function “count_letter (Word, letter)”which takes a word and a letter as arguments and returns the number of occurrences of that letter in the word.

Q9. Write a program to print a Palind some number.

Q10. Write a python program, which accepts an input number from the user and tells the user whether the number is even or odd.

Q11. Write a program that prompts a user to enter the element of a list and add the elements to a list. Write a function maximum (Lst) and minimum (Lst) to find the maximum and minimum number from the list

Example-        Lst = [12, 34, 45, 77]

# should return 12 as minimum and 77 as maximum.

Q12. Write a program to print all the numbers upto a range base on the sieve of Eratosthenes.

Conclusion and Summary

I hope these python interview questions will be beneficial for computer science students or for whom who are looking for job as software developer.

We will soon add some more interview questions.

Good Luck !

Dont Stop Learning..!

Also Read – Python Programming Questions for Practice

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