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Web Development Interview Questions ( 2022 Update)
Web Development Interview Questions are generally asked in Technical interview for the post of Web Developer or Software Developer also.
Questions based on HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript , PHP, AJAX ,JSP and Servlet are generally asked in web development.
We have discussed some important Web Development interview questions here in this post. These questions are given below. Students are kindly requested to prepare these web development interview question very well.
Top 50 Web Development Interview Questions
Q1. Write JavaScript code to find product of two numbers.
Q2. What is Dereferencing ?
Q3. Write a JavaScript code to let user input his age. Show an alert in case wrong value is input.
Q4. What is XML? How to define tags in XML?
Q5. Write a CSS code to split the screen into two parts. Right-half displaying questions, left half displaying answers.
Q6. What are TCP client-Server sockets?
Q7. Explain working of TCP Client Server Model.
Q8. Explain table tab and its various attributes using an example.
Q9. Write the code required to display the following page. With appropriate logic.
Q10. Crate an html page to register new book in the library having following details:-
Book Name, Authors, edition, Publisher, No’ of copies generate a unique id for each new book. Register the book using.
Driver:- oracle. Jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Username:- Scott, password:-tiger.
Table Name:- Book.
Q11. What is constructor overloading? Compare & contrast constructor overloading & overriding.
Q12. What are static members? How are they different from other data variables?
Q13. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
<p id= “demo”></P>
< script>
var pos=str.indexOf (“locate”);
Q14. Predict the output of the following JavaScript code
<sript type=“text/javascript”>
Document. write (a);
Q15. Explain servlet architecture (With a neat diagram).
Q16. What are cookies? What are they used for?
Q17. What is Transaction Processing?
Q18. Explain servlet life cycle. What is a stub?
Q19. What is session tracking? Explain its advantages and disadvantage.
Q20. What is implicit object in JSP?
Q21. What is AJAX? Explain its use.
Q22. Explain TCP/IP Client socket.
Q23. What is JDBC? Explain the steps required in JDBC.
Q24. Explain event handling in Java. Also provide an example.
Q25. Explain DOM and SAX models.
Q26. What is stateless and stateful Java beans.
Q27. Explain HTTP, FTP, TELENT, SMTP and POP3.
Q28. Explain multi-threaded programming and its implementation.
Q29. What is XLM document? How it works?
Q30. What are HTML forms? Explain with an example.
Q31. Explain Java Script also provide its advantages and disadvantages.
Q32. Explain TCP/IP server socket.
Q33. Explain types and properties of Beans. Also give advantages of bean.
Q34. Explain prepared statement with an example of select statement from Database.
Q35. How to handle HTTP get & post requests?
Q36. Explain Java server Pages. How is it different from Javascript?
Q37. Explain any three meta tags used in <head> tag
Q38. Write a code in HTML to link the page Myshopping.HTML to a page Mybill. html. Location of MyBill.html page is
Q39. Write an HTML code to register yourself on IRCTC website having details as:- Name Age gender, login Id, password, Address, Bank account details:- Bank name, IFSC code, Account Number, credit card details:- Number, expiry date and CVV number.
Q40. What is an abstract class? How it is different from Interface?
Q41. Explain what is a constructor? Also give examples of different types of constructors.
Q42. What are access modifiers & give a table showing which access modifier is accessible from different locations.
Q43. What is web page? Explain its types.
Q44. What are differences between HTTP and FTP ?
Q45. What does style tag do?
Q46. Write HTML code to develop a formatted login page. Also draw the output.
Q47. Using CSS in your document write an HTML code to insert any image on your web page of standard size. (height = 50px, width = 50px)
Q48. Write an HTML registration page code explain the get and post method.
Q49. Explain CSS and its advantages.
Q50. What is a stub?
Q51. What is session tracking? Explain its advantages and disadvantage.
Q52. What is XML DTD ? Explain Internal DTD and External DTD in XML.
Conclusion and Summary
- Top 50 Web Development Interview Questions discussed in this post will be helpful for students in the preparation for technical Interview.
- Students are requested to give your views and answer in comment section.
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Good Luck !