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How to Write an Essay ? – Step wise Step Guide
How to write an Essay? Most of the students want to know the answer to this question because Essay writing is an important part of academic activity.
A poorly written essay can be a source of embarrassment for you. Today in this article we are going to tell about how to write an essay?.
A stepwise step guide discussed in this post will be helpful to you for writing and effective essay.
7 Main Steps for writing an Essay
In today’s competitive world, a beginner needs to know about writing skills that you can use throughout your life.
The ability of a person to organize ideas that you use in constructing an essay will help you to write different types of letters, business memos, essays, etc.
For writing an essay you one should keep in mind these following steps
- Objective of Essay
- Title
- Introduction of Topic
- Body of Information
- Formatting and Style
- Check Spelling and Grammar
- Conclude you Essay
Let’s Understand each step in more detail
1. Objective of Essay writing
- First of all you must be clear about the objective of essay writing it means why you are writing an essay ?
- Sometime we write essay just for academic work and sometime we write essay for Competition purpose.
- Sometime it depends on the situation if you have not been assigned a topic then it is easy, you can choose with one of your own.
- Your best essay will be about things like what topics do you like yourself arguing for or against it?
- Take the favorable side of the topic you are “for” rather than “against” and your topic will be strong.
- These all are hints for your best essays. It is a must to put your idea into a single sentence. It will be your main idea for an essay.
2. Title
- This step includes the Brainstorming part of the essay writing.
- The main purpose here is to create a list of essential ideas that you are plan to present in your essay.
- This step includes a list of resources, a list of arguments to answer a question or tips on how to do something.
- This step gives a chance to the writer to get all of your ideas out.
- This title makes sense in the reader’s mind to know about the overall topic and creates a curiosity in readers to know more and more about it.
3. Introduction
- Introduction is the third step for effective essay writing
- The purpose of this step is to introduce your topic and rearrange the list of ideas which a writer came up with title step.
- Writer should put these ideas in an order that will make a clear understanding to writer and reader.
- There are different strategies for organizing your ideas and depends on the type of essay you are writing. Some topics include causes and effect, classification, favor and against, chronological steps.
- The introduction part of an essay includes its tone and a writer should want to grab the reader’s attention. For capturing the attention of readers, the Writer should present factual information about the topic.
4. Body of Information
- In this step, take the points which you include in your introduction and discuss each point in detailed in for paragraph.
- The body of information of an essay provides details for the points in your introductory steps.
- First of all, write a topic sentence that summarizes your points. Finally, explain your argument with evidence such as examples, facts, statistics, etc.
- If writers include factual examples in their essay and should use simple language for explaining about it.
5. Formatting and Style
If you’re writing an essay on MS Word in place of paper. Then you should give focus on formatting , font style and font size of the normal text and heading or subheading.
You should follow specific formatting and style as per giving in the instruction.
6. Check Grammar
- Your Essay should be grammarly correct. If you are writing essay in MS Word then you can use online tool available to check and correct your grammar mistake .
- For example “Grammaly” online tool is used to correct the grammar.
7. Conclusion
- The conclusion part of the essay summarizes it and gives the reader closure.
- In three or four concise sentences review the main parts of the essay.
- You can also describe your opinion about the topic briefly.
- Your last lines should uphold your main idea clearly and concisely.
- For writing an essay write a rough draft, do not think to get it perfect the first time, after finishing your rough draft read it thoroughly and revise it until you have a satisfactory and informative essay.
In this article we have discussed the 5 main steps in the answer of the questions How to write an essay ?
I hope these tips will be helpful to you in writing an effective essay.