train information program in c
C Programming

Train Information Program using Structure in C

Train Information Program using Structure in C

Here in this tutorial we are going to implement a program in c for the following problem.

Program for Following

Define a structure data type TRAIN_INFO. The type contain Train No.: integer type Train name: string Departure Time: aggregate type TIME Arrival Time: aggregate type TIME Start station: string End station: string The structure type Time contains two integer members: hour and minute. Maintain a train timetable and implement the following operations:

  • List all the trains (sorted according to train number) that depart from a particular section.
  • List all the trains that depart from a particular station at a particular time.
  • List all he trains that depart from a particular station within the next one hour of a given time.
  • List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.

Program is here

//Train no: int

//Train NAME: String

//Departure Time: Aggregate type TIME

//Arrival time: Aggregate type TIME

//Strat Station: String

//End Station: String



#define MAX 50

typedef struct TIME{

int hour;

int minute;


typedef struct TRAIN_INFO{

int train_no;

char train_name[35];

char start_st[35];

char end_st[35];

TIME dept_time;

TIME arr_time;


void train_edit (TRAIN *, int *);

int main (void)


int no_of_trains = 0;

int i;

int choice;

char dept_st[35];

char arr_st[35];

TIME train_time;

TRAIN train[MAX];

//Call train_edit function first time.

train_edit (train, &no_of_trains);

while (1)


//Display Main Menu

printf (“\t\t\t****MENU****\n”);

printf (“1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.\n”);

printf (“2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.\n”);

printf (“3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.\n”);

printf (“4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.\n”);

printf (“5. Edit train details.\n”);

printf (“6. Exit.\n”);

printf (“Your choice: “);

//Input choice

scanf (“%d”, &choice);

switch (choice)


//List all the trains departed from a particular station.

case 1:

printf (“\n\t\t****INPUT DETAILS****\n”);

printf (“Depart Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (dept_st);

//Print trains

for (i = 0; i <= no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if (strcmp (train[i].start_st, dept_st) == 0)


printf (“%d\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d:%d\t%d:%d\n”, train[i].train_no, train[i].train_name,

train[i].start_st, train[i].end_st, train[i].dept_time.hour,

train[i].dept_time.minute, train[i].arr_time.hour, train[i].arr_time.minute);



printf (“\n”);


//List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.

case 2:

printf (“\n\t\t****INPUT DETAILS****\n”);

printf (“Depart Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (dept_st);

printf (“Train Time: \n”);

printf (“Hour: “);

scanf (“%d”, &train_time.hour);

printf (“Minute: “);

scanf (“%d”, &train_time.minute);

//Print trains

for (i = 0; i <= no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if (strcmp (train[i].start_st, dept_st) == 0 && train[i].dept_time.hour == train_time.hour

&& train[i].dept_time.minute == train_time.minute)


printf (“%d\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d:%d\t%d:%d\n”, train[i].train_no,

train[i].train_name, train[i].start_st, train[i].end_st, train[i].dept_time.hour,

train[i].dept_time.minute, train[i].arr_time.hour, train[i].arr_time.minute);



printf (“\n”);


//List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.

case 3:

printf (“\n\t\t****INPUT DETAILS****\n”);

printf (“Depart Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (dept_st);

printf (“Time: \n”);

printf (“Hour: “);

scanf (“%d”, &train_time.hour);

printf (“Minute: “);

scanf (“%d”, &train_time.minute);


//Print trains

for (i = 0; i <= no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if (strcmp (train[i].start_st, dept_st) == 0 && ((train[i].dept_time.hour == train_time.hour

&& train[i].dept_time.minute >= train_time.minute)

|| (train[i].dept_time.hour == train_time.hour + 1

&& train[i].dept_time.minute <= train_time.minute)))


printf (“%d\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d:%d\t%d:%d\n”, train[i].train_no,

train[i].train_name, train[i].start_st, train[i].end_st, train[i].dept_time.hour,

train[i].dept_time.minute, train[i].arr_time.hour, train[i].arr_time.minute);



printf (“\n”);


//List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.

case 4:

printf (“\n\t\t****INPUT DETAILS****\n”);

printf (“Depart Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (dept_st);

printf (“Arrival Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (arr_st);


//Print trains

for (i = 0; i <= no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if ((strcmp (train[i].start_st, dept_st) == 0) && (strcmp (train[i].end_st, arr_st) == 0))


printf (“%d\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d:%d\t%d:%d\n”, train[i].train_no,

train[i].train_name, train[i].start_st, train[i].end_st, train[i].dept_time.hour,

train[i].dept_time.minute, train[i].arr_time.hour, train[i].arr_time.minute);



printf (“\n”);



//Edit train details. Call for train_edit

case 5:

printf (“\n”);

train_edit (train, &no_of_trains);




case 6:

return 0;

//Wrong Choice


printf (“\nError! Wrong Choice.\n\n”);



return 0;


void train_edit (TRAIN *train, int *no_of_trains)


int choice;

int i, train_num;

TRAIN temp;

while (1)


//Display Train Edit Menu

printf (“\t\t****TRAIN EDIT MENU****\n”);

printf (“1. Add Train.\n”);

printf (“2. Delete Train.\n”);

printf (“3. Exit Train Edit Menu.\n”);

printf (“Your Choice: “);

//Input choice

scanf (“%d”, &choice);

switch (choice)


//Add Train

case 1:

//Already maximum trains.

if (*no_of_trains >= MAX)


printf (“\nError! There are already maximum trains.\n\n”);



//Input train details in temp variable.

printf (“\nInput Train Number: “);

scanf (“%d”, &temp.train_no);

//Check if train number already exist or not.

for (i = 0; i <= *no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if (train[i].train_no == temp.train_no)


printf (“Error! Train number %d already exist. Please try again.\n\n”);

temp.train_no = -1;




if (temp.train_no == -1)



printf (“Input Train Name: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (temp.train_name);

printf (“Input Start Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (temp.start_st);

printf (“Input End Station: “);

fflush (stdin);

gets (temp.end_st);

printf (“Input Departure Time: \n”);

printf (“Hour: “);

scanf (“%d”, &temp.dept_time.hour);

printf (“Minute: “);

scanf (“%d”, &temp.dept_time.minute);

printf (“Input Arrival Time: \n”);

printf (“Hour: “);

scanf (“%d”, &temp.arr_time.hour);

printf (“Minute: “);

scanf (“%d”, &temp.arr_time.minute);

//Add temp into sorted array.

train[*no_of_trains] = temp;

for (i = *no_of_trains; i >= 1; i–)


if (train[i – 1].train_no >= train[i].train_no)


temp = train[i – 1];

train[i – 1] = train[i];

train[i] = temp;





*no_of_trains = *no_of_trains + 1;

printf (“Train %d added successfully.\n\n”, train[i].train_no);



//Delete Train

case 2:

//No train available.

if (*no_of_trains == 0)


printf (“\nError! No Train Available.\n\n”);




//Input train details.

printf (“\nInput Train Number: “);

scanf (“%d”, &train_num);


//Find and delete train.

for (i = 0; i <= *no_of_trains – 1; i++)


if (train[i].train_no == train_num)


while (i <= *no_of_trains – 1)


train[i] = train[i + 1];



*no_of_trains = *no_of_trains – 1;

printf (“Train %d deleted successfully.\n\n”, train_num);

train_num = -1;





//Train not found.

if (train_num != -1)

printf (“Error! Train %d not found\n\n”, train_num);




//Exit Train Edit Menu

case 3:

printf (“\n”);



//Wrong choice


printf (“\nError! Wrong Choice.\n\n”);




Sample Output

when we will run the above program then following Menu will be display

train information program using structure in c


  1. Add Train.
  2. Delete Train.
  3. Exit Train Edit Menu.

Your Choice: 1

Input Train Number: 14511

Input Train Name: Nauchandi Express

Input Start Station: Prayagraj

Input End Station: Saharanpur

Input Departure Time:

Hour: 10

Minute: 15

Input Arrival Time:

Hour: 23

Minute: 10

Train 14511 added successfully.



  1. Add Train.
  2. Delete Train.
  3. Exit Train Edit Menu.

Your Choice: 1

Input Train Number: 14163

Input Train Name: Sangam Express

Input Start Station: Prayagraj

Input End Station: Meerut

Input Departure Time:

Hour: 10

Minute: 31

Input Arrival Time:

Hour: 21

Minute: 17

Train 14163 added successfully.



  1. Add Train.
  2. Delete Train.
  3. Exit Train Edit Menu.

Your Choice: 1


Input Train Number: 12687

Input Train Name: Dehradun Express

Input Start Station: New Delhi

Input End Station: Dehradun

Input Departure Time:

Hour: 9

Minute: 10

Input Arrival Time:

Hour: 16

Minute: 45

Train 12687 added successfully.



  1. Add Train.
  2. Delete Train.
  3. Exit Train Edit Menu.

Your Choice: 3



  1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.
  2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.
  3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.
  4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
  5. Edit train details.
  6. Exit.

Your choice: 1



Depart Station: Prayagraj

14163         Sangam Express     Prayagraj     Meerut     10:31     21:17

14511         Nauchandi Express     Prayagraj     Saharanpur     10:15     23:10



  1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.
  2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.
  3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.
  4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
  5. Edit train details.
  6. Exit.

Your choice: 2



Depart Station: Prayagraj

Train Time:

Hour: 10

Minute: 15

14511         Nauchandi Express     Prayagraj     Saharanpur     10:15     23:10



  1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.
  2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.
  3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.
  4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
  5. Edit train details.
  6. Exit.

Your choice: 3



Depart Station: Prayagraj


Hour: 10

Minute: 10

14163         Sangam Express     Prayagraj     Meerut     10:31     21:17

14511         Nauchandi Express     Prayagraj     Saharanpur     10:15     23:10



  1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.
  2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.
  3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time. Binary Tree in Data Structure
  4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
  5. Edit train details.
  6. Exit.

Your choice: 4



Depart Station: New Delhi

Arrival Station: Dehradun

12687         Dehradun Express     New Delhi     Dehradun     9:10     16:45



  1. List all the trains departed from a particular station.
  2. List all the trains departed from a particular station at a particular time.
  3. List all the trains departed from particular station within the next one hour of a given time.
  4. List all the trains between a pair of start station and end station.
  5. Edit train details.
  6. Exit.

Your choice: 6


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