data structure important questions
Data Structure Notes Data Structure Questions

Data Structure Imporatnt Questions from Unit 1

Data Structure Imporatnt Questions from Unit 1

Data Structure Important Questions asked from first unit are given in this tutorial. In this tutorial we have discussed the important topics and subtopics data structure first unit as per AKTU Data Structure Subject Syllabus.

 Data Structure First Unit Topics and Subtopics

As per AKTU Data Structure Syllabus various topics and subtopics to be learn in first unit are given below –

Students have to prepare following topics and subtopics  in Unit 1 of Data Structure.

  1. Data Structure definition, types of data structure
  2. Overview of elementary data organization
  3. Overview of Abstract Data Types
  4. Algorithm Related subopics

     4.1 Time and space complexity

     4.2 what is Time space tradeoff?

     4.3 best case , worst case and average case meaning

     4.4 Asymptotic Notation Big O , Big Omega and Theta Notation explanation

5.Array Data Structure

      5.1 Introduction of array , advantages and disadvantages

      5.2 Different operations on array

      5.3 Insertion and deletion in array

      5.4 Address Calculation Problems based on one dimensional , two dimensional and three dimensional array.

6.Linked List Data Structure

      6.1 What is Linked List ? Different Types of Linked List with diagram

      6.2 Advantages of Liked List over array

      6.3 Create and display single linked list, doubly linked list and circular linked list.

      6.4 Insertion at the beginning, at the end or deletion a given node in singly , doubly and circular linked list.

      6.5 Deletion from the beginning, from the end or deletion after a given node in singly, doubly and circular linked list.

7.Linked List Representation of Polynomial and Algorithm or program to add two polynomial using linked list.

Data Structure Important Questions

Data Structure Important Questions asked from Unit 1 are given below –

Various Questions asked from first unit of Data Structure in 2 marks are given below .

2 Marks Questions

Q1. Define Best case , worst case and average case for analyzing complexity of a program.           [ AKTU 2022-23]

Q2. Write Advantages and disadvantages of array over Linked List [AKTU 2022-23]

Q3. Write advantages of Linked List over array.

Q 4. List the advantages of doubly linked list over single linked list. [AKTU 2021-22]

Q5. How can represent a Sparse Matrix in memory [ AKTU 2019-20]

Q6. What are the merits  and demerits of Array [ AKTU 2017-18]

Q7. Define the term Data Structure. List some linear and non-linear    structures stating the application area where they will be used . [ AKTU 2017-18, 2016-17]

Q8. Define time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm. [AKTU 2016-17]

Q9. What is Abstract Data Type ?

Q10. Discuss elementary data organization.

10 Marks Questions

Questions asked in AKTU examination which consisting of 10 marks are  given below

Q1. Assume declaration of Two Multi Dimensional Array X and Y to be             X(-2:2,2:22) and Y(1:8 , -5:5, -10:5).

(i ) Find the length of each dimension and number of elements in X and Y.

(ii) Find the address of element Y( 2,2,3), assume base address of Y=400, and each element takes 4 memory location.

[ AKTU 2022-23]

Q2. How to Represent Polynomial using Linked List ? Write a Program to add two Polynomial [ AKTU 2022-23, 2021-22].

Q3. Discuss Doubly Linked List . Write an algorithm to insert a node after a given node  in Singly Linked List. [AKTU 2022-23]

Q4. Suppose a three dimensional array A is declared using A[1:10, -5:5, -10:5)

 (i) Find the length of each dimension and the number of elements in A

(ii) Explain Row major order and Column Major Order in detail with explanation formula expression. [ AKTU 2021-22]

Q6. What do you understand by time and space trade off? Define the various asymptotic notations. Derive the O-notation for linear search. [ AKTU 2018-19]

Q7. Write a program in c to delete a specific element in single linked list. Double linked list takes more space than single linked list for storing one extra address. Under what condition, could a double linked list more beneficial than single linked list. [ AKTU 2018-19]

Q8.Suppose multidimensional arrays P and Q are declared as P (-2: 2, 2: 22) and Q (1: 8, -5: 5, -10: 5) stored in column major order

(i) Find the length of each dimension of P and Q

(ii) The number of elements in P and Q

(iii) Assuming Base address (Q) = 400, W=4, Find the effective indices E1, E2, E3 and address of the element Q [3, 3, 3].                                         [ AKTU 2018-19]

Conclusion and Summary

Data Structure important questions from first unit which are generally asked in AKTU examination are discussed here in this tutorial. I hope this tutorial will be beneficial for the students for preparing first unit.


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